Lighthouse Journalism found a video being widely circulated on social media platforms. The video was claimed to be of the mother of Kolkata rape – murder victim. During the investigation we found that the video was of Tanya Singh mother of Tishaa Kumar, daughter of actor producer Krishan Kumar. Viral claims are misleading.
X user Simranjeet Kaur shared a screenshot of the viral video and shared the misleading claim.
Other users too are sharing either the screenshot or the video.
We started our investigation by running a reverse image search on the key frames obtained from the video.
This led us to a YouTube short that had the picture of another girl on the same video and the video suggested woman in the video was Tishaa’s mother.
We then ran a Google keyword search.
We found a similar video on the Movie Telly’s YouTube channel.
The video uploaded a month ago was titled: Tishaa Kumar Mother Tanya Singgh Heart Melting Video at Daughter’s Funeral
We also found a video on YouTube channel of Watch Bollywood.
We also found a few news reports about the same.
The news reports mentioned: T-Series co-owner Krishan Kumar’s daughter Tishaa Kumar passed away on July 18, 2024, at the age of 20 after a prolonged battle with cancer. Actor-turned-producer Krishan Kumar was reportedly “shaken” at his daughter Tishaa Kumar’s funeral which took place in Mumbai on Monday. Tishaa Kumar, the cousin of Bhusan Kumar, passed away on July 18. Her mortal remains were brought to Mumbai. Her father Krishnan was seen shattered in a video that surfaced online. Tishaa’s mother Tanya Kumar was also spotted; she broke down while participating in the funeral rituals. Bhushan was also present at the venue and “offered support and love to the family” needed in this difficult time.
Conclusion: A video showing Tishaa Kumar’s mother, Tanya Singh, breaking down during her daughter’s funeral—who tragically passed away after a prolonged battle with cancer—is being shared with misleading claims that it depicts the mother of a Kolkata rape and murder victim. These viral claims are false.