Lighthouse Journalism discovered a video of a train derailment circulating on social media platforms. The post claimed, ‘Train derailed at Bhiwani station and entered the field, trains will come to Jaipur via this route, 8 trains were partially cancelled due to derailment of goods train.’ The claim was accompanied along with a video. During the investigation we found the viral claim to be misleading. The video is old.
X user FirstBiharJharkhand shared the viral video with a misleading claim.
Check the archive version of the claim.
Other users too are sharing the video with the same claim.
We started our investigation by running a Google keyword search on the caption of the video.
Through keyword search we found out that a train did derail at Bhiwani station.
We then ran a reverse image search on the keyframes obtained from the video. This led us to a post on X in 2022.
The video was posted on September 4, 2022. The caption suggested that the incident happened near Solapur in Maharashtra.
We also found a video posted on YouTube channel TV Khabristan.
The caption said: सोलापुर के पास मैदान में WAG9 || WAG9 into the field Near Solapur
Translation: WAG9 ran into the field Near Solapur || WAG9 into the field Near Solapur
We also found a few news reports about the same.
Conclusion: Old video of derailing of train near Solapur shared as that of recent incident in Bhiwani, Rajasthan. Viral claims are misleading.